Friday, February 23, 2024

album listens #33 - oil of every pearl's un-insides - sophie


after the first few songs i started to get worried that maybe i didn't get this album. it's talked about so much and hailed as one of the greatest works of pop music, so it was a little daunting to give this one a listen. after a few songs it really did make an impression on me. it's a great mix of experimental electronic and pop music and it's just such a creative album. i definitely need to give it another listen, because there's just so much to take in so maybe i don't fully understand it yet? but either way i enjoyed it a lot. the obvious standout is sophie's production it just sounds amazing and so cutting edge, with a great mix of harsh noise and more pretty electronics. there are some parts of this tho i don't feel like work together. some mixtures of sounds just sound a little thrown in at random as a song progresses when they don't feel like they have a place, which i noticed on the song Ponyboy. either way i feel like this is definitely a landmark album for experimental pop music and i have a lot of respect for it, such a shame that she never got to make another album because i would love to listen to more.

FAVOURITE SONG: Faceshopping

RATING: 7 or 8/10 (may change, going to listen again)

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