Tuesday, February 6, 2024

album listens #22 - lodger - david bowie


>by anyone else's standard this would be a great album, for bowie, it feels somewhat underwhelming. it is still a very solid album and it's hard not to compare this to bowie's other works but realistically it's kinda impossible not to. a lot of really weird moments on here that are really cool, and obviously a handful of "regular" bowie tracks that stand out from the weirder moments, that for me don't always land and feel a little disjointed, like he's trying to hard to force some of his influences into a track that can't really fit them in. that being said, it is still bowie and it's kind of hard for him to go wrong.

FAVOURITE SONG: D.J, Boys Keep Swinging, Fantastic Voyage

RATING: 6/10

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