Sunday, February 11, 2024

album listens #25 - asylum - cressida


really really solid 70s prog. really confused as to how this isn't a mainstream album ? it's as good as stuff by yes and early floyd. great instrumentals, production's great. the singing does sound very much like a stereotypical prog singer but it's not really doing anything wrong! my favourite aspect of prog is the winding structures of songs, with all the little riffs included in chord changes that make the songs so bouncy. a really great album just wish they had more! (but i think they only have one other). found this record in a record shop btw but didn't buy it, maybe i should go see if they still have it... 

FAVORITE SONG: Goodbye Post Office Tower Goodbye, Munich, Let Them Come When They Will

RATING: 6 or 7/10 

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