Tuesday, January 30, 2024

album listens #12 - wall of eyes - the smile


more new music! the smile's new album is equal parts experimental and beautiful. the main issue i had with the first album was the slower moments (not that they were bad but that they just belonged on a thom yorke solo project) and tom skinner was not being utilised fully in the jazzier aspects. i think that that is still the case to a certain extent on this album but their songwriting has definitely improved. i feel this album in my veins i dont know how else to describe it. two of the slower songs, the title track wall of eyes and i quit are the only two songs on this album i am not certain on, i definitely want to listen to this again and again tho. its fun at points and depressing at others, its mixed beautifully, although sometimes maybe yorke's vocals are a little loud, and the strings make the whole thing really pretty. it's romantic in a lot of ways too, the songs are sort of like wonky ballads with the weird time signatures. but yeah i think this albums really great i like it a lot. :P

FAVOURITE SONG: Teleharmonic

RATING: 8/10

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