Wednesday, January 24, 2024

album listens #10 - magical mystery tour - the beatles


this album reminded me of when i was younger and my parents had 1 on cd, the album with all the singles on it. i already knew most of the songs on here but for some reason have never listened to the album all the way through, i think it's great! it definitely is a singles album and the back half is infinitely stronger than the first, i wasn't crazy about the flying and man on the hill, though they are good songs. there are so many classics on here that i didn't even realise were on this album. blue jay way is one of those beatles songs that i'm surprised isn't more popular. every song on here is such a classic and obviously strawberry fields forever is just one of those songs that is beyond perfect, one of the best songs ever made. a good mix of songs on here, maybe doesn't do it for me in the same way that sgt peppers does, in the same way that amnesiac is to kid A, even though I actually prefer amnesiac in many ways! i feel similarly to this, the songs are sort of more unique though, on sgt peppers perhaps, which is not the case for kid a. anyway is the beatles reaching their peak and for that time its an incredible triumph and to this day a really great listen. relistening to a lot of the singles i've known for a long time was nice and gave me a little nostalgia, but also i got a lot of new meaning from the lyrics and the sounds that i don't remember hearing when i was younger.

FAVOURITE SONG: Strawberry Fields Forever (obviously)

RATING: 9/10

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