this album is so awesome. it's got this lofi, diy indie feel to the production and a real punk-y feel to some of the songs. the vocals are understated but in a cool way. the songs are cleverly written and stay interesting and mix the punkier aspects with some longer jam elements (never too long though, the longest songs are 6 mins, it keeps it compact) and even hints of psychedelia in there. incredibly creative and innovative how are these guys not bigger ?! one of the few albums, for me, where its understated nature really works well. feels like an experimentation where everything miraculously goes perfectly. ends with a really nice ballad, reminiscent of the velvet underground (in a good way, lots of boring bands have a similar sound to this and claim it's "like the velvet underground mannnnnn"). incredbile album i would highly recommend!!!
FAVOURITE SONG: Cup of Dreams, The Piston and the Shaft, Noble Experiment, Hundreds of Years, The Operation
RATING: 9 or 10/10