Tuesday, June 25, 2024

album listens #83 - dog eat dog food world - niko b


funny + good beats. the shtick gets a little old after a while but still good

FAVOURITE SONG: trespass coat

RATING: 6/10

album listens #82 - tigers blood - waxahatchee


a lovely little album. kinda modern indie rock + also some folk vibes ? amazing vocals, sometimes is kinda quite and then when she really goes for it this country twang comes out its cool. annoyed that the title doesn't have an apostrophe

FAVOURITE SONG: Ice Cold, Right Back to It, Crimes of the Heart

RATING: 6 or 7/10

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

album listens #81 - everything all the time - band of horses


pretty bog standard indie kinda emo-y vibes. feels quite uninspired 


RATING: 3/10

Monday, June 10, 2024

album listens #80 - heavy weather - weather report


this and black market are absolutely perfect. staples in the history of jazz fusion. pastorius one of the greatest bass players of all time.


RATING: 10/10

album listens #79 - southern nights - glen campbell


very nice and very pretty. one of the greatest openers to an album of all time perhaps...

FAVOURITE SONG: Southern Nights, Early Morning Song, Sunflower, Let Go

RATING: 7 or 8/10

Sunday, June 9, 2024

album listens #78 - rhinestone cowboy - glen campbell


amazing and beautiful. the production makes this album absolutely perfect it just feels so warm and pleasant to listen to. amazing catchy songwriting and the STRINGS.. perfect. it just swells round and round inside my head i love it

FAVOURITE SONG: Country Boy (You Got Your Feet In L.A), Pencils For Sale, Marie, Rhinestone Cowboy, Count On Me

RATING: 9/10

album listens #77 - girls on film - duran duran


standard and solid new wave album. not loads to say on this one, just feels cool (as most 80s new wave does)


RATING: 7/10